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About Us

Ruchi Chawla Batra,(Pen Name -Rishika Ruchi) is a Spiritual Counsellor, who has been channelling and receiving messages, from the Divine, since past 18 years. Since her childhood, she was always intrigued and fascinated by the mysterious and wonderful World, created by the Creator, spending hours and hours exploring plants, flowers, gazing at the clouds etc. 

Little did she know that she was the chosen one, and one day, she will end up working with them! 

After excelling academically and being bestowed by a Gold Medal, by our Late President, Dr.A.P.JAbdul Kalam(for her outstanding academic performance in the field of education-securing First position, in Bachelors of Education, from GGSIP University, Delhi ,in the year 2000),she started her career ,as a senior school teacher, teaching Management and Accountancy, for over a decade. 

During a regular visit to the World Book Fair, in 2005, she was suddenly drawn towards a deck of cards and just brought them home. At that moment she didn’t know that she had stepped into a world, from where there would be no looking back.

As she started working more and more, her curiosity to explore the the mysteries of our existence started getting deeper. Her next milestone came in the year 2013,when she had an opportunity to attend her first healing workshop.

After experiencing the power of Healing herself, her area of services opened up to enlightening people about this view of aligning ourselves, with the true purpose of one’s lives. A keen and curious mind, guided and directed her to get familiar with various healing modalities-Angel Healings, Pranic Healing, Reiki, Violet Flame Healing, Magnified Healing ,Shamanic Healings and Crystal Healings.

She’s had many teachers along the way, who in their own ways have made a difference in her life.

Out of all these, Nature has been her greatest teacher.-always available, deeply supportive and soulfully nourishing. Her love for flowers naturally attracted her to keep exploring more towards their healing powers.

When she discovered the medicine available from flower energy, she was enchanted. It was a Sartorial moment, when Flozy Reiki, was channelled to her in 2018 and since then she has used this therapy to help hundreds of people. Life has taken a different turn , as she has dedicated herself wholeheartedly to create more awareness about this simple yet so empowering healing modality. Besides this, she also channels guidance and healing tips from the Angelic Realms, The world of Fairies, Unicorns, Mermaids and Dragons.

During a regular visit to the World Book Fair, in 2005, she was suddenly drawn towards a deck of cards and just brought them home. Little did she know that she had stepped into a world, from where there would be no looking back. As she started working more and more, the mysteries of our existence, started getting more and clearer In the year 2013,when she had an opportunity to attend her first healing workshop, her area of services opened up to this view of aligning ourselves, with the true purpose of one’s lives. A keen and curious mind, guided and directed her to get familiar with various healing modalities-Angel Healings, Pranic Healing, Reiki,Violet Flame Healing, Magnified Healing ,Shamanic Healings and Crystal Healings. She’s had many teachers along the way, who in their own ways have made a difference in her life. Out of all these, Nature has been her greatest teacher. Always available, deeply supportive and soulfully nourishing. Her love for flowers naturally gravitated her To keep exploring more towards their healing powers. When she discovered the medicine available from flower energy, she was enchanted. It was a milestone moment, when Flozy Reiki, was channeled to her in 2018 and since then she has used this therapy to help hundreds of people. Life has taken a different turn ,as she has dedicated herself wholeheartedly to create more awareness about this simple yet so empowering healing modality. Besides this, she also channels guidance and healing tips from the Angelic Realms, The world of Flowers, Fairies, Unicorns, Mermaids and Dragons.


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